Saturday, May 21, 2011

1992 Camaro RS, 25th Anniversary Model

    Is anyone else in love with their car as much as I am? Even though it recently went through a terrible hail storm and has more dents than Tennessee has sweet tea, my feelings toward my car haven't swayed. I get really excited pulling up next to another Camaro, especially if it is the same body style as mine. Also, I'm convinced that I'm the only one who can successfully drive my car. I know little things like the fact that the brights won't come on if the steering wheel is in too low of a position, or that you have to hit the dash board at night a couple times for it to light up.

    My Camaro isn't just a point A to point B car. It's storage for my clothes and sometimes snacks. It has extra aspirin for a hard day cleaning up messes and making sure birthday parties run smoothly. My car gives me the ability to come and go as I please and take whoever I want with me. Without it, life would be bleak.

    Other than that, I start my new job as a hostess on Friday. I'll turn into a full-blown server in a few weeks after I learn the menu and such, I believe.  The drive downtown and back is a whole 30 miles, which may be a little too much for the previous mentioned 92 Camaro,  but I have faith in it's ability to get me home safely every time.